12 LITTLE KNOWN facts about Tom McLaughlin!

 Tom McLaughlin is a fabulous author who has written the Accidental... series- of which the Accidental Prime Minister is a personal favourite- as well as being a favourite of my class too! Win win! So who is Tom McLaughlin... read on to find out!

1. He is also a cartoonist!

Tom McLaughlin is an extremely talented man- not only can he have us in stitches with his writing, he can also have us falling on the floor laughing at his cartoons! He has worked for the Western Morning News drawing cartoons about silly politicians!

2. The Accidental Prime Minister was Tom's first book

Wow- well what a book to start off your writing career! The Accidental Prime Minister was written in 2015 and has entertained children (and adults!) ever since!

3. He has worked for BIG NAME COMPANIES

Wait for it- Tom McLaughlin has worked for the likes of Disney and Cartoon Network! I bet his CV looks the part!

4. He has some interesting hobbies...

Tom has listed his hobbies as... looking out of the window, drinking tea and biscuits... I particularly agree with looking out of the window- it can really calm you down!

5. He has some even more interesting dislikes...

Wait for it- amongst his dislikes are biscuits- even though they were in his likes as well! I think we all understand why! I am a little too fond of biscuits myself! He also does not like spiders... which is understandable too!

6. Tom McLaughlin lives in Devon

If you ever get the chance to go to Devon please take it! They call it the English Riviera because it is so beautiful! I have been many times and I agree that it is fabulous!

7. Tom's books are available WORLDWIDE!

Amazingly, Tom McLaughlin's books have been translated into TEN different languages! 

8. Tom isn't from the South West...

Originally, Tom lived in Newcastle Upon Tyne which is in the North East of England, but moved to Falmouth to study illustration. After completing his studies he settled in the South West. 

9. He loves cheese

Yummy- so do I! His faves are parmesan, brie and mozzarella- I urge you to try them all!

10. He supports Newcastle United

Despite moving to the South West (Devon), Tom still has maintained his roots by supporting his local football team. 

11. He loves train journeys

Tom said that the reason he loves train journeys is because they give him time to think. I agree with this and it also gives you lots of time to do other things like read a book. 

12. He wanted to be a Superhero...

Haven't we all! When Tom was younger he was desperate to be Batman!

So there you have it! I hope that you have managed to find use in these fabulous, little known, facts about Tom McLaughlin! Make sure you pick up any of his books next time you are in your school library or the local bookshop!

Books by Tom McLaughlin
